behind inhale love yoga
Hi there! Welcome, and thank you for coming. Allow me to introduce myself. My name is Sharon Barnard. I am captivated by Jesus who captured my heart. I am astounded by His Love for me. I am practicing peace and finding freedom in grace. I am a native Californian living in Orange County married to my best friend for over 30 years. We have 2 great kids, both young adults, and we are blessed to watch them grow up into the young lady and young man God is shaping them into. We enjoy doing outdoor things, especially during warm weather, on the sand, beach or water, either here or up in British Colombia. I am passionate about wholeness & wellness, body, soul & spirit. I am a certified Holy Yoga instructor R-HYI 225, also trained in Trauma Sensitive Yoga and Yoga Nidra. I teach private or group classes on land in Huntington Beach, Newport Beach, Costa Mesa or Irvine and on a Stand Up Paddleboard in Newport Beach. The classes are accessable to all levels.
There's nothing I love more than experiencing God's presence together. He is always faithful to show up. Let's worship together on our mats, on the beach, or on a paddle board and experience the joy and freedom of Holy Yoga. Live life wide open! Let's worship together and inhale His Love for whole living and . . . . . . . . . j u s t b r e a t h e . . . . . . .
Inhale His Love,
Sharon Barnard
Man's chief end is to glorify God, and to enjoy Him forever. ~Westminister Confession

MEETING ID 817 627 3940
Morning Holy Yoga
Tuesday 9am
donations graciously accepted
by cash, Venmo or PayPal
*sunrise or afternoon by appointment
$20 per person plus board rental
Stand Up Paddleboard yoga 90 min
Sunset Beach or Newport Dunes
call or text (714)313-2429

"I love to see your growth as a teacher. You speak with a gentle authority. It's really awesome!"
Hayle C.
"TY- always love ur classes and excited about restorative/yin yoga"
Mendi B.
"Thanks- I LOVED your class last week"
Sandy S.

Let's connect!